Tropical Tree Crop Pollinators from Wikipedia
Understanding Flower Pollination
Hand Pollinating Squash
A photographic overview of how to hand pollinate squash
Pollination of Vegetable crops
A comprehensive table on how various crops are pollinated
Pollinator Friendly Gardens in Hawaii (Ethel M. Villalobos, Emma Shelly, Jonathan Wright, and Cathy Tarutani)
Pollinators in Hawaii (UH Honeybee Project)
good color photos and descriptions of some of Hawaii’s pollinators, their habits and habitats
Selecting Plants for Pollinators (Pollinator Partnership & NAPPC)
A Regional Guide for Land Managers and Gardeners in the Hawaiian Islands Province
Habitat Planting for Pollinators in the Pacific Island Area (Xerces Society/Nov. 2014)
A great reference of plants that grow in the pacific island areas and which specific pollinators they attract.
How to Attract Butterflies
Content intended primarily for North American audiences but contains useful information.