Funding Opportunities
Community Partnerships and Fundraising Ideas for Sustaining School Garden Programs
School gardens need funding for Coordinator positions, garden tools and supplies, and infrastructure improvements. School gardens today are funded in a variety of ways including through school budgets, grant writing, community partnerships, benefactors, and fundraisers of all kinds.
There are many ways to create funds for your school garden program. First, form a Garden Committee of parents, faculty, and community to help you guide and support the school garden (see Getting Started). Brainstorm with the committee and see where interests lie within the group. Use these ideas as an initial guide for creating a strategy for school garden funding. Your goal is sustainability. Looking for funds every year is not sustainable. Ultimately each garden program’s needs should be nestled into the budget of your school with additional funds coming from outside for special projects, infrastructure improvements, and special supply needs. Here are a few ideas. Check back regularly for other grant opportunities that will be posted here as they arise.
Grants for School Gardens
The following organizations offer grants for schools and school gardens. Please check with each organization to find out due dates for grant proposals.