Coffee Berry Borer Integrated Pest Management

Kona Cooperative Extension Conference Room 79-7381 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kealakekua, HI, United States

UH-CTAHR Local and Immigrant Farmer Education (LIFE) and Risk Management Hawaii (RMH) programs are conducting informational workshops about the Coffee Berry Borer (CBB). CBB is a major production risk that coffee growers on the Big Island have been battling since its arrival in 2010. CTAHR’s Coffee and Orchard Crops Extension Agent, Andrea Kawabata and Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s Entomologist, Rob Curtiss, will be teaching farmers about the most current CBB Integrated Pest Management and sampling protocols. Coffee farmer, Bob Nelson will talk about his on-farm CBB projects and inform growers of his preliminary findings. In addition, Dr. Stuart Nakamoto, CTAHR Extension Economist, will be discussing risk management and crop insurance policies available to growers for coffee and coffee trees. Download the Flyer

School Garden Community Work Day

Laupāhoehoe Community Public Charter School

Come help us get the garden ready for students. Join us in the lower garden located next to the Library. Bring tools and ideas to help with tree trimming, weed pulling, planting, fixing irrigation and nursery benches. We are also looking for volunteers for the next School year to help with our school garden and farm to school program.

Better Process Control School

University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

This is required of food establishments that produce thermally processed, low-acid and acidified products in hermetically sealed containers for sale in the United States. There are many of these products being sold in farmers markets. Please be advised that improper processing and handling of such foods may result in hazardous food that has the potential to cause injury, illness, and even death. This is a highly intensive course with 16 lectures and 16 exams.


Better Process Control School

University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

This is required of food establishments that produce thermally processed, low-acid and acidified products in hermetically sealed containers for sale in the United States. There are many of these products being sold in farmers markets. Please be advised that improper processing and handling of such foods may result in hazardous food that has the potential to cause injury, illness, and even death. This is a highly intensive course with 16 lectures and 16 exams.


Coffee Berry Borer Integrated Pest Management

Kona Cooperative Extension Conference Room 79-7381 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kealakekua, HI, United States

UH-CTAHR Local and Immigrant Farmer Education (LIFE) and Risk Management Hawaii (RMH) programs are conducting informational workshops about the Coffee Berry Borer (CBB). CBB is a major production risk that coffee growers on the Big Island have been battling since its arrival in 2010. CTAHR’s Coffee and Orchard Crops Extension Agent, Andrea Kawabata and Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s Entomologist, Rob Curtiss, will be teaching farmers about the most current CBB Integrated Pest Management and sampling protocols. Coffee farmer, Bob Nelson will talk about his on-farm CBB projects and inform growers of his preliminary findings. In addition, Dr. Stuart Nakamoto, CTAHR Extension Economist, will be discussing risk management and crop insurance policies available to growers for coffee and coffee trees. Download the Flyer>

Coffee Berry Borer Integrated Pest Management

Waimea Civic Center conference room 67-5189 Kamamalu Road, Kamuela, HI, United States

UH-CTAHR Local and Immigrant Farmer Education (LIFE) and Risk Management Hawaii (RMH) programs are conducting informational workshops about the Coffee Berry Borer (CBB). CBB is a major production risk that coffee growers on the Big Island have been battling since its arrival in 2010. CTAHR’s Coffee and Orchard Crops Extension Agent, Andrea Kawabata will be teaching farmers about first response actions and the most current CBB Integrated Pest Management and sampling protocols. Dr. Stuart Nakamoto, Extension Economist, will be discussing risk management and crop insurance policies available to growers for coffee and coffee trees. Dr. Russell Nagata, CTAHR’s county administrator, other agents, and government agency personnel will be in attendance.Download the Flyer

Tea 101: Production and Processing Basics

Mealani Experiement Station 64-289 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kamuela, HI, United States

Crop diversification is one strategy for managing risk and tea has potential as a new crop for Hawai‘i. Participants will undergo basic training in tea production and processing. They will also learn about the tea research being conducted at the UHM-College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resource (CTAHR) Mealani Research Station in Waimea.

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Systems

University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Systems Date: August 12-13, 2013 Location: University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Details: HACCP plans are increasingly being required of food establishments that supply to other food firms as an assurance of food safety. If you are purchasing from or selling to other food establishments, requiring or having a HACCP plan from your […]

$550.00 – $600.00

Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) Coaching Free Workshop

Laupahoehoe Community Public Charter School (LCPCS)

im Hollyer of the University of Hawai'i CTARH will provide GAP and food safety coaching designed to assist schools in serving garden produce in school lunch programs. This workshop will focus on food safety protocol - and ways to obtain GAP certification. LCPCS is currently working towards GAP certification as they incorporate school garden produce in the National School Lunch Program.
This workshop is open to everyone- and designed for school garden teachers and farmers.

Grow Tea

Pahala Plantation House Pahala, HI, United States

Presented by educator and tea farmer Eva Lee, this program is for prospective tea farmers on Hawai‘i Island interested in growing the specialty crop camellia sinensis and producing white, green, oolong and black tea. Contact Julia Neal at 808-928-9811 or for more information.