Coffee Berry Borer Integrated Pest Management
Kona Cooperative Extension Conference Room 79-7381 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kealakekua, HI, United StatesUH-CTAHR Local and Immigrant Farmer Education (LIFE) and Risk Management Hawaii (RMH) programs are conducting informational workshops about the Coffee Berry Borer (CBB). CBB is a major production risk that coffee growers on the Big Island have been battling since its arrival in 2010. CTAHR’s Coffee and Orchard Crops Extension Agent, Andrea Kawabata and Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s Entomologist, Rob Curtiss, will be teaching farmers about the most current CBB Integrated Pest Management and sampling protocols. Coffee farmer, Bob Nelson will talk about his on-farm CBB projects and inform growers of his preliminary findings. In addition, Dr. Stuart Nakamoto, CTAHR Extension Economist, will be discussing risk management and crop insurance policies available to growers for coffee and coffee trees. Download the Flyer