Coffee Berry Borer Integrated Pest Management

Waimea Civic Center conference room 67-5189 Kamamalu Road, Kamuela, HI, United States

UH-CTAHR Local and Immigrant Farmer Education (LIFE) and Risk Management Hawaii (RMH) programs are conducting informational workshops about the Coffee Berry Borer (CBB). CBB is a major production risk that coffee growers on the Big Island have been battling since its arrival in 2010. CTAHR’s Coffee and Orchard Crops Extension Agent, Andrea Kawabata will be teaching farmers about first response actions and the most current CBB Integrated Pest Management and sampling protocols. Dr. Stuart Nakamoto, Extension Economist, will be discussing risk management and crop insurance policies available to growers for coffee and coffee trees. Dr. Russell Nagata, CTAHR’s county administrator, other agents, and government agency personnel will be in attendance.Download the Flyer

Tea 101: Production and Processing Basics

Mealani Experiement Station 64-289 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kamuela, HI, United States

Crop diversification is one strategy for managing risk and tea has potential as a new crop for Hawai‘i. Participants will undergo basic training in tea production and processing. They will also learn about the tea research being conducted at the UHM-College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resource (CTAHR) Mealani Research Station in Waimea.

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Systems

University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Systems Date: August 12-13, 2013 Location: University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Details: HACCP plans are increasingly being required of food establishments that supply to other food firms as an assurance of food safety. If you are purchasing from or selling to other food establishments, requiring or having a HACCP plan from your […]

$550.00 – $600.00

Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) Coaching Free Workshop

Laupahoehoe Community Public Charter School (LCPCS)

im Hollyer of the University of Hawai'i CTARH will provide GAP and food safety coaching designed to assist schools in serving garden produce in school lunch programs. This workshop will focus on food safety protocol - and ways to obtain GAP certification. LCPCS is currently working towards GAP certification as they incorporate school garden produce in the National School Lunch Program.
This workshop is open to everyone- and designed for school garden teachers and farmers.

Grow Tea

Pahala Plantation House Pahala, HI, United States

Presented by educator and tea farmer Eva Lee, this program is for prospective tea farmers on Hawai‘i Island interested in growing the specialty crop camellia sinensis and producing white, green, oolong and black tea. Contact Julia Neal at 808-928-9811 or for more information.

Increase Your Produce’s Shelf Life and Reduce Potential Pathogens in Produce Rinse Water with Sanitizers

Please join CTAHR and partners on Kaua‘i, O‘ahu, Maui and Hawai‘i Island if you are interested in learning how to increase your produce shelf-life and reduce potential pathogens in produce rinse water with sanitizers. This is an all-day event with our guest speaker, Dr. Trevor Suslow from UC-Davis, and representatives who will be showcasing their products for sanitizing produce rinse water for both organic and conventional fruits and vegetables. Seating is limited and you must sign up on our web site. Please send questions to Luisa F. Castro at or 808-969-8261.


Business Plan Development Training for Farmers

Tropical Edibles Nursery Captain Cook, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Preparing a successful business plan can pay off! this course includes business plan development training, site visits to working agriculture-related businesses, an introduction to resources, and speakers to inspire existing and aspiring farmers.

Kahalu‘u Beach Clean-up: Butts be gone!

Kahalu‘u Beach Kona, HI, United States

Join us for an end-of-summer beach clean-up focusing on getting cigarette butts off the beach. Cigarette smoking is illegal at the County Park, but people are still doing it. Gloves and trash bags will be provided. Starbucks will donate coffee and tea. Check in at the Kahalu‘u Bay Education Center.

Hawai’i Public Seed Initiative “Train the Trainers” Workshop

Amy Greenwell Garden

HPSI will offer an advanced three-day “Train the Trainers” Workshop in Kailua-Kona, Hawai‘i Island. It is designed to help dedicated individuals from each island broaden their seed production skills and continue to advance and promote seed work in their respective locales.

School Garden Volunteer Training

Kalanianaole School 27-330 Old Mamalahoa Hwy, Papaikou

Gardens are thriving and growing at many Hawai‘i Island schools, and many hands are needed! School Garden Volunteers are very important to the overall success of our island programs whether it is guiding children during garden time or helping to maintain the garden in other ways, volunteers help teachers use garden based learning to teach valuable lessons in science, nutrition, and environmental education. Hands on, experiential learning is an important way for children to learn. At this workshop we will discuss gardening basics as well as how to best support your local school garden.