Farm Aid COVID-19 Farmer Resilience Initiative Grants

Hawai‘i food producers whose livelihoods depend on farming are encouraged to apply for a one-time emergency relief payment of $500 from Farm Aid. Funds are being administered by the Hawai‘i Farmers Union Foundation and The Kohala Center. Applications are due no later than 6 p.m. on Tuesday, July 28, 2020.

»Download grant application

Who can apply?
Bona fide family farms in Hawai‘i who have suffered demonstrable economic loss as a result of COVID-19 may apply. Access to other federally funded relief efforts (i.e., PPP, EIDL) and sustainable methods practiced on the farm will be considered when awarding relief payments.

What can funds be used for?
Use of the funds is restricted to household expenses, such as groceries, home utilities, medical bills, or other household expenses not directly related to the commercial operation of the farm or ranch. The funds may NOT be used for any farm operations, business expenses, or investment. The IRS guidelines regarding direct assistance to farm families prevents us from granting funds to support the farm and its business costs. Acceptance of this grant award signifies recipient’s understanding and agreement to these use requirements.

How do farmers apply?
Email a signed copy of the grant application to Anny Bruch, vice president of the Hawai‘i Farmers Union Foundation, at Applicants will be contacted via email after July 31, 2020.

For more information
Please contact Anny Bruch, vice president of the Hawai‘i Farmers Union Foundation, at

Posted: July 17, 2020