Puna ‘Ulu Festival: Celebrating Breadfruit!

Kua O Ka La Charter School Campus at Pu‘ala‘a

Cooking contest and demonstrations, ‘ulu trees for sale, cultural uses, cultivation and care of ‘ulu trees, quilting, poi pounding, Kapa making, keiki crafts, food (featuring ‘ulu) and music all day.

Energy In and Out: How to Capture and Conserve Energy in Your Home

HPA Energy Lab

Energy In and Out: How to Capture and Conserve Energy in Your Home ‘Ohana Night at the Energy Lab Date: March 14, 2012 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Location: Energy Lab at Hawai‘i Preparatory Academy Featuring: Dr. Bill Wiecking, director of the Energy Lab at Hawai‘i Preparatory Academy Download the flyer.  

A Spring Tour of Student Learning Gardens

The Kohala Center welcomes you to tour several Hawai?i Island school gardens and enjoy the produce that students, teachers, and volunteers have cultivated and prepared for your enjoyment. On three Saturdays in April, we will be offering free hour-long tours of a handful of the 63 school and community gardens in the Hawai?i Island School Garden Network, a Kohala Center program. Meet the people who use them as outdoor learning labs, hear the stories from children whose lives are enriched by garden work, and sample the bounty that comes forth from these plots big and small.

Waimea Country School Plant Sale

Waimea Country School St. James Circle, Waimea, HI, United States

All proceeds go directly to the WCS school garden program, and will be used to match a $2,500 garden grant awarded by The Kohala Center in December. There will be vegetable starts, flowers, herbs, landscaping plants, and more. Please come by!

The Weight of the Nation Special Documentary Screening

Parker School Theater

Kaiser Permanente is holding a special advance screening of the HBO Documentary Film Series The Weight of the Nation: Confronting America’s Obesity Epidemic. Watch the trailer. For more Information e-mail: wotn-hilo@pathhawaii.org or call: 326-7284. Reservations recommended. RSVP by May 2 for Waimea and May 8 for Hilo.

Free giant pumpkin plants (for youth and school gardens) while supplies last!

Komohana Extension Office 875 Komohana Street, Hilo

Free giant pumpkin plants (for youth and school gardens) while supplies last! Date: May 14 at 3:30 p.m. Location: Komohana Extension Office, 875 Komohana Street, Hilo  OR call 969-8213 to reserve yours **Limited to 2 plants per family/school group**