KWP Volunteer Day: Ginger control at Pu‘u Pili
The Kohala Center 65-1291A Kawaihae Rd, Kamuela, HI, United StatesJuly 30, 2016—Become a “Ginger Ninja” for a day! Help established native trees survive and thrive by clearing invasive ginger from the forest understory. Meet at The Kohala Center’s offices at 8 a.m. and bring along a water bottle and sack lunch. Boots or sturdy shoes are required. Be prepared for any kind of weather: hot or cold, sunny or cloudy, windy or calm, wet or dry...knowing Kohala, probably all of the above! We provide tools, gloves, plants, snacks, and cold drinking water. We’ll work, hike, explore, picnic, and then work a bit more, returning to Waimea by 3 p.m.