Cooperative leadership: Walking a HĀ pathway to ecological, cultural, economic, and social well-being


July 1, 2020—Please join us for a one-hour webinar that will introduce a Hawai‘i-based outcomes framework—Nā Hopena A‘o, or HĀ—to Hawai‘i’s cooperatives as a means to explore shared leadership together. This HĀ “tasting” will then serve as an invitation to cooperative members who are interested in participating in a six-session course that will dive deeper into how cooperatives strengthen a collective sense of Belonging, Responsibility, Excellence, Aloha, Total Well-being, and Hawai‘i (BREATH).


Ōhāhā High School AgriCULTURE Afterschool Program

Online via Zoom

August 24–28, 2020—Open to Hawai‘i high school students in grades 9 through 12, The Kohala Center’s online Ōhāhā High School AgriCULTURE Program helps youth deepen kinship with ‘āina and local agriculture through ‘ike that will also help them flourish in life.


Ōhāhā Mahi ‘Ai Agricultural Training and Education Program
(Honoka‘a, Hawai‘i Island)

The Kohala Center’s Demonstration Farm at Nāmoku Honoka‘a, HI, United States

February 26 through April 16, 2022—Hawai‘i Island farmers and gardeners interested in deepening their kinship with ‘āina and ‘ike Hawai‘i are invited to apply for The Kohala Center’s Ōhāhā Mahi ‘Ai program. Emphasizing traditional Hawaiian knowledge and practices while also incorporating regenerative western approaches, Ōhāhā Mahi ‘Ai focuses on creating and strengthening conditions for ‘āina momona by nourishing soil, learning about native crops and diverse cropping systems, observing and adapting to the natural world, and promoting mahi ‘ai health and well-being.


Ōhāhā High School AgriCULTURE Program
(Honoka‘a, Hawai‘i Island)

The Kohala Center’s Demonstration Farm at Nāmoku Honoka‘a, HI, United States

March 14–18, 2023—Our Ōhāhā intersession programs help high school students deepen kinship with ‘āina and local agriculture through ‘ike that will also help them flourish in life.
