Crop Insurance Workshops
AgriLogic Consulting and The Kohala Center: A Team Effort*
Between September 30, 2015, and March 31, 2020, AgriLogic Consulting, LLC will be offering crop insurance education and related risk-management strategies to farmers across Hawai‘i.
AgriLogic will provide crop insurance training through workshops, on-farm appointments, conferences, and meetings on Hawai‘i Island, Maui, Moloka‘i, O‘ahu, and Kaua‘i. Workshops will cover the value of crop insurance programs, eligibility requirements, application deadlines, and agent contact information. This workshop has also been translated into Thai and is available in the video library below. AgriLogic can also provide quotes for crop insurance premiums upon request.
In addition, The Kohala Center, North Shore EVP, and Kaua‘i Community College Office of Continuing Education will be offering free Agricultural Risk Series and workshops for farmers on Hawai‘i Island and Kaua‘i that are interested in learning more about risks and crop insurance programs. Mālama Kaua‘i will be hosting the second annual Beginning Farmer Expo on August 25, 2019. If you are interested in participating, please contact us for more information and to reserve a spot.
For more information about AgriLogic’s services, call 844-221-5982 (toll-free) or email
*AgriLogic Consulting, LLC is partnering with The Kohala Center, Kaua‘i Community College Office of Continuing Education, Mālama Kaua‘i, and the North Shore Economic Vitality Partnership under USDA RMA Partnership Agreement #RM18RMETS524C007.
Banana Fruit
Banana Fruit Sales Closing Date: May 31
Fact Sheet (English)
Fact Sheet (Ilocano)
Fact Sheet (Simplified Chinese)
Fact Sheet (Thai)
Fact Sheet (Tongan)
Banana Tree
Banana Tree Sales Closing Date: December 31
Fact Sheet (English)
Fact Sheet (Ilocano)
Fact Sheet (Simplified Chinese)
Fact Sheet (Thai)
Fact Sheet (Tongan)
Coffee (Cherry)
Coffee Sales Closing Date: December 31
Fact Sheet (English)
Fact Sheet (Ilocano)
Fact Sheet (Simplified Chinese)
Fact Sheet (Thai)
Fact Sheet (Tongan)
Coffee Tree
Coffee Tree Sales Closing Date: December 31
Fact Sheet (English)
Fact Sheet (Simplified Chinese)
Fact Sheet (Thai)
Fact Sheet (Tongan)
Macadamia Nut
Macadamia Nut Crop Sales Closing Date: December 31
Fact Sheet
Macadamia Tree
Macadamia Tree Sales Closing Date: November 30
Fact Sheet
Papaya Fruit
Papaya Fruit Sales Closing Date: May 31
Fact Sheet (English)
Fact Sheet (Ilocano)
Fact Sheet (Simplified Chinese)
Fact Sheet (Thai)
Fact Sheet (Tongan)
Papaya Tree
Papaya Tree Sales Closing Date: December 31
Fact Sheet (English)
Fact Sheet (Ilocano)
Fact Sheet (Simplified Chinese)
Fact Sheet (Thai)
Fact Sheet (Tongan)
Nursery Sales Closing Date: May 1
Fact Sheet
Nursery crops are insurable under both Nursery Insurance and Whole-Farm Revenue Protection.
Livestock Risk Protection (LRP)-Feeder Cattle Sales Closing Date: n/a
Fact Sheet
Livestock are insurable under Whole-Farm Revenue Protection. Feeder cattle may also be insured with the Livestock Risk Protection Insurance Plan for Feeder Cattle.
Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP)
Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) Sales Closing Date: March 15
Fact Sheet (English)
Fact Sheet (Ilocano)
Fact Sheet (Simplified Chinese)
Fact Sheet (Thai)
Fact Sheet (Tongan)
Hawai‘i Crops Eligible for Federal Crop Insurance
» Download the Poster (PDF, 5.3 Mb)
Email to request a copy of this poster for your home or office!
Current as of September 13, 2016
Artichokes | Cauliflower | Fresh Market Beans | Hogs: Finish | Other Fruits | Sheep: Stocker/Feeder |
Avocados | Celery | Furs | Honeydew | Other Live Animals | Snap Beans (Fresh Market) |
Bananas | Coffee (Kona) | Game Birds | Hot Peppers | Other Vegetables | Snap Peas |
Basil | Coffee (Non Kona) | Garlic | Leeks | Papaya | Soybeans |
Bedding Plants | Cucumbers (Fresh Market) | Ginger Root | Lettuce | Parsley | Spinach |
Bees (Animals)- Apiculture | Cucumbers (Processing) | Goats | Litchi | Persimmons | Squash (Other) |
Bell Peppers | Cut Flowers | Grapes (Wine) | Macadamia Nuts | Pineapple | Strawberries |
Berries (Other) | Dairy | Green Peas (Fresh Market) | Mango | Potatoes | Subtropical Fruits (Other) |
Broccoli | Daikon | Greenhouse | Melons (All Other) | Potted Flowers | Sugarcane |
Broilers | Eggplant | Greens (Other) | Mink | Potted Foliage | Sweet Corn (Fresh Market) |
Cabbage | Eggs | Guava (Fresh) | Mushrooms | Poultry | Sweet Potatoes |
Cantaloupe | Endive | Guava (Processed) | Nursery (Fg & C) | Pumpkins | Taro Root/Dasheen |
Carrots | Escarole | Hay (Other) | Onions | Radishes | Tomatoes (Field) |
Cattle: Cow-Calf | Figs | Herbs | Onions (Green) | Sheep And Lambs | Tomatoes (Greenhouse) |
Cattle: Feedlot | Fish/Aquaculture | Hogs: Farrow | Other Animal Products | Sheep: Ewe/Lamb | Turf |
Cattle: Stocker/Feeder | Flowers (Other) | Hogs: Farrow/Finish | Other Crops | Sheep: Feedlot | Watercress |
Watermelons |
The Sales Closing Date is the date by which your application for insurance must be filed with your crop insurance agent and is the last date by which changes to coverage may be made for the upcoming insurance year.
RMA Cost Estimator is a very useful tool that allows a farmer to create a customized crop insurance premium estimate. Each estimate provides liability, total premium, subsidy, and producer premium amounts along with the loss trigger point. You may also contact AgriLogic Consulting at to request a FREE custom quote.
Did you know that the Federal Government subsidizes a portion of the crop insurance premium? These subsidy amounts typically range from 55% to 80%. That means that you, as the producer, only pay a portion of the total premium. TheHelpful Hint
In order to locate all crop insurance agents licensed to sell in Hawai‘i, it is important to set the search distance within the Agent Locator to “No limit” since many of the agents licensed to sell in Hawai‘i are located in other states. It is also important to search for agents licensed in Hawai‘i rather than the default setting of “All States.”
Contact an agent to find out more about crop insurance for your farm and to fill out an application for coverage.
Agents licensed to sell crop insurance are subject to change. Please visit the RMA Agent Locator for the latest information.
Current as of June 25, 2019
Agency Name | Agent Name | Specialty | Licensed in County | Phone Number | City, State |
AGRI-SERVICES AGENCY LLC | Fergason, Kyle | Crop | All Counties | (866) 826-0207 | East Syracuse, NY |
AGRI-SERVICES AGENCY LLC | Lewis, Steven P | Crop | All Counties | (866) 826-0207 | East Syracuse, NY |
AGRI-SERVICES AGENCY LLC | Raybuck, Gretchen | Crop | All Counties | (866) 826-0207 | East Syracuse, NY |
AGRI-SERVICES AGENCY LLC | Rehberg, Morgan | Crop | All Counties | (866) 826-0207 | East Syracuse, NY |
AGRI-SERVICES AGENCY LLC | Wickham, Christine Brodeur | Crop | All Counties | (866) 826-0207 | East Syracuse, NY |
AGRI-SERVICES AGENCY LLC | Wills, Shonda S | Crop | All Counties | (866) 826-0207 | East Syracuse, NY |
ALL CROP INSURANCE SERVICES | Jerkovich, Nicholas | Crop | All Counties | (559) 846-9976 | Biola, CA |
CKP INSURANCE LLC | Hemphill, Charles | Crop | All Counties | (561) 807-0900 | Boca Raton, FL |
CKP INSURANCE LLC | Rader, Kevin | Crop | All Counties | (561) 807-0900 | Boca Raton, FL |
DEGES INSURANCE | Sell-Miiller, Terri | Crop | All Counties | (717) 776-7138, (785) 743-2620, (800) 366-2767, (814) 774-9212 | Wakeeney, KS |
DS CC SERVICES INC | Snider, Todd E | Crop | All Counties | (309) 821-6507, (559) 587-9007, (661) 695-1700, (888) 252-9797 | Bloomington, IL |
LIND INSURANCE SERVICES | Lind, Bonnie | Crop | All Counties | (888) 276-7728 | Clovis, CA |
RURAL COMMUNITY INSURANCE COMPANY | Larson, Deborah | Crop | All Counties | (866) 823-6179 | Anoka, MN |
SILVEUS INSURANCE GROUP – IN | Catron, Brian P | Crop | All Counties | (800) 531-9909 | Warsaw, IN |
USI INSURANCE SERVICES LLC | Stegall, Brandon | Crop | All Counties | (916) 589-8000, (916) 883-0574 | Rancho Cordova, CA |
WRAITH SCARLETT & RANDOLPH INS SERV INC | Griffith, Matthew D | Crop | All Counties | (530) 662-9181 | Woodland, CA |
WRAITH SCARLETT & RANDOLPH INS SERV INC | Patzke, Tanner A | Crop | All Counties | (530) 662-9181 | Woodland, CA |
AgriLogic Consulting Thai Translated Webinar
2017 Hawaii AG2017 Conference
Hawaii Papaya Farmer Helped by Crop Insurance
Hawaii Macadamia Nut Farmer Endorses Crop Insurance
Hawaii Coffee Farmer Recommends Crop Insurance
Hawaii Banana Farmer Uses Crop Insurance
Crop Insurance Overview
Whole Farm Revenue Protection
Hawaii Tropical Tree Programs
Actual Production History (APH)-Hawaii
Hawaii New Farmer and Rancher Expo in Hilo (Aug 10, 2018)
Apiary Beekeeping
Get Pumped for Irrigation (HI Ag Risk Series)