Hats, sunglasses, rash guards, board shorts, wraps, leggings, and other light clothing will keep your skin safe and reduce the amount of chemicals entering our ecosystems. The best way to protect yourself from the sun and protect Hawai‘i’s environment is to cover up.
»Is your sun protection reef-friendly?
»Reef-friendly sun protection guide
It’s important to know that not all sunscreen products that claim to be eco-, ocean-, or reef-friendly or -safe actually are! The only way to be sure is to review the active ingredients. Mineral-based sunscreens containing zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide as the only active ingredient(s) are the only sunscreens you should bring to and use in Hawai‘i. Any other active ingredients can be harmful to coral health and reproduction, and possibly even your own. Whether you’re at the beach, going for a hike, or just cruising around town, remember to “Think Zinc” (or Titanium).
»Which sunscreens are reef-friendly?
Please bring reusable beverage containers, shopping bags, and eating utensils on your trip. Bonus points if you bring reusable straws! Help us keep single-use plastics out of our landfills and from entering our land and ocean environments, where they can harm wildlife.
If you haven’t tried dry or bar shampoos and conditioners, toothpaste tablets, bamboo toothbrushes, and other sustainably produced and packaged health and beauty products, consider packing some before your trip and trying something new! This helps reduce the demand for products in petroleum-based packaging provided by hotels and resorts and keeps them out of our landfills.