Family Nutrition Nights: Special Evenings for families in East and West Hawai‘i “Getting Back to Your Roots: Raising Healthy Keiki in Today’s World”

Kahakai Elementary Cafeteria

A special evening of nutritional information for the whole family with Vivienne Aronowitz. Please join us for an early evening of fun, facts, recipes, and food featuring healthy snacks for kids, and healthy family eating. Vivienne Aronowitz holds a Masters of Public Health and is a Registered Dietitian and a Certified Diabetes Educator. She is the nutritionist for all Kaiser Permanente Clinics on Hawai‘i Island as well as a nutrition consultant to individuals and other agencies.

Complete Natural Farming Class With Master Gardener Sherri Miller

Komohana Research Extension Center 875 Komohana St, Hilo, HI, United States

Sherri Miller owns Moonrise Tea Gardens near Hilo and is a certified Master Gardener. Her training in Natural Farming with Master Cho began in 2010. For more information on Sherri,click here. The 12-week course will cover how to make all of Master Cho's inputs and how to apply inputs during the life cycles of both plant crops and livestock. Students who complete the full course will be awarded a Natural Farmer certificate by CGNF Hawai‘i.Course Dates: September 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 21, 24, 27; October 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29; November 1, 5, 8, 15, 19, 26, 29; Holidays: November 6 (Election Day), November 12 (Veteran's Day), November 22 (Thanksgiving). For more information, please contact Sherri at


22nd Annual Hawai‘i Tropical Fruit Growers Hawai‘i International Conference

University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

22nd Annual Hawai‘i Tropical Fruit Growers Hawai‘i International Conference Date: September 13–16, 2012 Location: University of Hawai‘i Campus Center, Honolulu Download the poster. Download the brochure with schedule. For more information, contact Ken Love at 808-323-2417 or e-mail

Ku ‘Aina Pa Fall Cohort Workshop

Mala‘ai: The Culinary Garden at Waimea Middle School

Ku ‘Aina Pa Fall Cohort Workshop Date: Saturday, September 22, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Location: Mala'ai Garden, Waimea Middle School, Waimea  Date: Sunday, September 23, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Location: Amy Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden, Captain Cook

East Side Seed Exchange & Harvest Festival!

La‘akea Permaculture Community Meadow Space

Bring your favorite dishes using only locally grown food for the 2nd Annual 100% local food cook off and potluck! Optional competition for best savory and sweet dish. Bring Seeds only (please no plants, cuttings, or keikies etc).
o Exchange and give away localized seeds (bringing seeds not required)
o Hear a panel on "Preparing Local Favorite Foods"
o Enter the Local Cook Off!
o Try new taste delights at the Local Food Potluck!
o Meet your neighbors, other gardeners & innovative thinkers.

Ku ‘Aina Pa Cohort Fall 2012 Workshop Weekend

Mala‘ai: The Culinary Garden at Waimea Middle School

Ku ‘Aina Pa Cohort Fall 2012 Workshop Weekend "The Foundations of Garden-Based Nutrition for School Garden Educators and Class Teachers" Date: Saturday, September 22, 2012 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Location: The Mala‘ai Culinary Garden at the Waimea Middle School For Cohort Members who live at a distance, overnight accommodation on Saturday evening September 22 are available […]

STEM/School Gardens Planning Meeting

Hilo Union Elementary Library

Meeting to discuss ways to incorporate STEM curriculum into school gardens
Followed by tour of student learning gardens at Hilo Union with 6th grade teacher Debbie Follett

Cultivating NW Co-ops

Seattle Seattle, WA, United States

Cooperatives provide vital links between farm and table, serving their communities through a successful business model of member ownership. Consider how cooperative business models will contribute to the future of our local and regional food systems at this six-state conference. Contact:


Windward Community College Hale Akoakoa #105

What is the outlook for the Agricultural Industry in Hawai‘i? Hear from expert farmers on the challenges and rewards of farming. Assess your own readiness to farm. Examine your expectations and constraints related to being a farmer, and assess your current knowledge, skills and physical resources. Worksheets will be provided. Learn more about the new UH program FarmStarter Hawai‘i, a comprehensive and practical training program built around the real world needs of tomorrow’s farmers.