Honaunau School Garden Celebration

Hōnaunau Elementary School 83-5360 Mamalahoa Hwy, Captain Cook, HI, United States

Honaunau School Garden Celebration Date: Saturday, April 6, 2013 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Location: Honaunau Elementary School, 83-5360 Mamalahoa Hwy, Captain Cook Details: The Honaunau School Garden cordially invites you to its first school garden celebration! There will be plenty of fun for all including: Origami pot folding and seed planting School garden tours by the children Face painting […]

WEBINAR: Board Member Engagement: Assessments and Succession Planning

Learn two critical issues needed for board success in cooperatives: tools for assessment and succession planning. Presenters will evaluate strategies and tools for assessment, which allow board members to candidly review performance and strengthen their effectiveness. In addition, attendees will learn key factors that illuminate the importance of succession planning. Click here for more information and to register.

Body and Soil Farm-Health Conference 2013

Maui Tropical Plantation 1670 Honoapi‘ilani Highway, Wailuku

Body and Soil Farm-Health Conference 2013 Date: April 11-13, 2013 Location: Maui Tropical Plantation, 1670 Honoapi‘ilani Highway, Wailuku, Maui The website for this past event is no longer available.

How to Start a Business in Hawai‘i

North Hawai‘i Education and Research Center 45-539 Plumeria St, Honoka‘a, HI, United States

The Hawai‘i Small Business Development Center (SBDC) will present “How to Start a Business in Hawai‘i”. Participants will learn about entrepreneurship, forms of business organization, key ingredients for business success, steps involved in starting your own business, sources of capital and services offered by the Hawai‘i SBDC, as well as other resources for the start-up business. This is a free workshop offered to the community in co-sponsorship with County of Hawai‘i Department of Research & Development. Pre-registration is required by Tuesday, April 16th.

Soil Health=Wealth: Soil Health Workshop

Kuhio Hale Hawaiian Homes Hall, Waimea , HI, United States

Soil Health=Wealth: Soil Health Workshop Date: April 18, 2013 — 5:30-7:00 p.m. Location: Kuhio Hale, Hawaiian Homes Hall, Waimea Details: Download the flyer for more information and event agenda.  

Earth Day Celebration and Environmental Science Symposium

Ulu Malama HPA Terrace Farm Waimea

Hawai‘i Preparatory Academy and The Hawai‘i Island School Garden Network announce a special Earth Day Celebration and Environmental Science Symposium for students from Hawai‘i Island high schools (9-12 grades), public, charter, or independent on Saturday, April 20th at the HPA Upper Campus. This Symposium is designed for students to meet one another and share their work this year in a presentation form. Student groups will present as a team, one from each high school attending. Student presentations will follow the Welcome and Keynote, and will take place from 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Waimea Country School Plant Sale

Waimea Country School St. James Circle, Waimea, HI, United States

Waimea Country School Plant Sale Date: Saturday, April 20, 2013 9:00 a.m.-Noon Location: Waimea Country School, St. James Circle, Waimea, Hawai‘i Island Details: Vegetable starts, herbs, flowers, landscaping plants, fruits, garden crafts, and more! All proceeds directly support the WCS school garden. For more information call 885-0067.

Grant Writing for School Gardens

Innovations PCS Kona

Grant Writing for School Gardens Presenter: Dr. Koh Ming Wei Date: Saturday, April 27, 2013 9:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Location: Innovations PCS, Kailua-Kona Details: Please bring a lunch. Participants can work on their grant proposals during lunch. Cost: Free

WEBINAR: How to Engage Media about the Cooperative Advantage

WEBINAR: How to Engage Media about the Cooperative Advantage Date: April 30, 2013 — 8:00-9:00 a.m. HST Details: Cooperatives have a good story to tell, and there are ways to engage the media to share the business model’s advantage with the public. Presenters will address how to incorporate engaging the media into a cooperative’s communications strategy. In […]