Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in School Learning Gardens
(Waimea, Hawai‘i Island)

Māla‘ai: The Culinary Garden of Waimea Middle School 67-1229 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kamuela, HI, United States

November 4–6, 2016—This experiential workshop will use garden-based science lessons and activities to explain NGSS science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. It will relate these three key NGSS dimensions to the Hawai‘i School Garden Curriculum Map. Participants will apply the three NGSS dimensions in designing and implementing learning-garden science activities.


How Does Your Garden Grow? Best Food Safety Practices for School Gardens
(Hilo, Hawai‘i Island)

Ha‘aheo Elementary School 121 Haaheo Rd, Hilo, HI, United States

February 18, 2017—Learn how your school can follow best practices for a safe and fun garden experience for everyone. Hear from experts on current policies and regulations for school gardens, best practices and safety procedures for harvesting and consumption of student-grown produce, and integrated pest management for slugs and snails.


How Does Your Garden Grow? Best Food Safety Practices for School Gardens
(Hōlualoa, Hawai‘i Island)

Hōlualoa Elementary School 76-5957 Mamalahoa Hwy, Holualoa, HI, United States

February 25, 2017—Learn how your school can follow best practices for a safe and fun garden experience for everyone. Hear from experts on current policies and regulations for school gardens, best practices and safety procedures for harvesting and consumption of student-grown produce, and integrated pest management for slugs and snails.


‘ĀINA in Schools Curriculum Training for Educators
(Waimea, Hawai‘i Island)

Kanu o ka ‘Āina Learning ‘Ohana 64-1043 Hi‘iaka St, Waimea, HI, United States

March 11, 2017—Kōkua Hawaiʻi Foundation will be on Hawaiʻi Island to deliver an engaging ʻĀINA In Schools Training, covering standards-based garden curricula that are written for Grades K, 1, 4, and 5. The training will also cover the ʻĀINA In Schools Nutrition Education Curriculum, which includes standards-based nutrition lessons written for grades 2 and 6. All garden and nutrition units can be adapted for use with other grades. The training will also include an overview of the ʻĀINA In Schools Composting Curriculum written for Grade 3 and Kōkua Hawaiʻi Foundation’s many helpful resources for educators. Kōkua Hawaiʻi Foundation is currently working with the DOE to offer one (1) PDE credit at no additional cost, more details to come.


Cover Crop Lecture and Field Day
(Honoka‘a, Hawai‘i Island)

North Hawai‘i Education & Research Center 45-539 Plumeria St, Honoka‘a, HI, United States

March 18, 2017—The Cover Crop Field Day will include a discussion on common cover crops in Hawai‘i, soil health benefits associated with cover crop use, and cover crops and insect management.


Kū ‘Āina Pā Summer Intensive: Navigating the Hawai‘i School Garden Curriculum Map and Creating a Standards-Based Garden Program for Your Classroom
(Pāhoa, Hawai‘i Island)

Hawai‘i Academy of Arts & Science 15-1397 Homestead Road, Pāhoa, HI, United States

June 5–8, 2017—This year we’re offering two sessions of our Kū ‘Āina Pā School Garden Teacher Training Program Summer Intensive: one on Hawai‘i Island and one on O‘ahu! Navigating the Hawai‘i School Garden Curriculum Map and Creating a Standards-Based Garden Program for Your Classroom is a four-day workshop for Hawai‘i’s K–8 teachers to connect school garden activities to federal and state education standards. Visit our Kū ‘Āina Pā program page for full details and to apply online. Teachers interested in attending the Hawai‘i Island session must submit their applications by May 12.


Full STEAM Ahead! Summer 2017
(Waimea, Hawai‘i Island)

Waimea Middle School 67-1229 Mamalahoa Hwy, Waimea, HI, United States

June 5–23, 2017—Waimea Middle School is offering a three-week “Full STEAM Ahead!” exploratory program this summer for incoming middle school students across Hawai‘i Island that will celebrate “Mālama Honua” – caring for the planet. From 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. each weekday, students will explore the North Hawai‘i watershed and ocean with lessons that blend environmental science with ‘Ike Hawai‘i—hands-on lessons in technology, art, personal wellness, and the health of their island home.


Hawai‘i Island New Farmer Expo

Hawai‘i Preparatory Academy, Gates Performing Arts Center (Upper Campus) 65-1692 Kohala Mountain Rd, Kamuela, HI, United States

June 17, 2017—The Hawai‘i Island New Farmer Expo will bring together emerging and experienced farmers with non-profit, private, and government resource organizations. The Expo will provide participants with an understanding of the challenges and prospects of establishing a viable farm business on Hawai‘i Island, including a pragmatic, step-by-step overview on how to get started.
