Getting Started: Creating a School Learning Garden

Hilo Union Elementary Library & School Garden 506 Waianuenue Ave., Hilo, HI, United States

School gardens provide a natural outdoor classroom for exploring STEM based learning as well as other core curriculum. Please join us as we discuss steps to start incorporating garden based learning at your school. To register for this workshop, please contact Donna Mitts at

11th Annual West Hawai’i Seed Exchange

B.H. Amy Greenwell Garden - Captain Cook Kona, HI, United States

We invite the home gardening community of West Hawai‘i, students and their teachers saving seed in school gardens, and all visiting gardeners to attend the 10th Annual West Hawai’i Seed Exchange that has become a “tradition” at the Amy Greenwell Garden.
Come bring saved seed (seed, roots, huli, and cuttings) of food, medicine, flower, or native plants that do well in your home gardens and share your knowledge with your community! Please bring envelopes and a pen for your seed. Please I.D. the seed you bring with name, date collected, and place grown.

Composting & Worm Composting Workshop

Waiakea Elementary School Garden 180 W. Puainako Street, Hilo , HI, United States

Turn yard and kitchen waste into garden fertilizer. Learn how to build a backyard compost pile and your own worm bin. Participants will need to bring two matching opaque plastic storage bins with lids to build a worm bin and some kitchen waste. Worms and shredded paper provided.

Second Annual Kohala Mountain Farm School Garden Corn Maze Design Contest

All high school and middle school students enrolled in a school garden program are invited to help design and theme the 2013 Corn Maze located at Kohala Mountain Farm. Students are welcome to seek help from parents and siblings if they choose to but, we are not judging on professional design appearance. Only one design entry per student will be accepted. We are looking for themes & ideas that are simple, yet inspiring. The contest involves two parts... the overall theme and the design of the maze itself. Win a $1000 gift certificate for your school garden program from Crop Production Services Hilo, Hawaii’s largest supplier of agriculture products. The winner of this year’s design contest will be awarded the opportunity to preview their design from the air on a trip for two via Blue Hawaiian Helicopters. The runner-up will be awarded a Kohala Zip Line Adventure for two compliments of Hawaii Forest & Trail. All students who submit a maze design will receive two complimentary passes to this year’s corn maze.

Composting & Worm Composting Workshop

The Boys & Girls Club 100 Kamakahonu Street, Hilo, HI, United States

Turn yard and kitchen waste into garden fertilizer. Learn how to build a backyard compost pile and your own worm bin. Participants will need to bring two matching opaque plastic storage bins with lids to build a worm bin and some kitchen waste. Worms and shredded paper provided.

Kaiser Permanente’s 4th Annual Martin Luther King Day of Service

Mālaʻai: The Culinary Garden of Waimea Middle School & Kealakehe Middle School, Kona

The HISGN and FoodCorps Hawaiʻi will once again partner with Kaiser Permanente to create the 4th Annual MLK Day of Service to Hawaiʻi Island School Gardens on Monday January 20. Kaiser will generously close its Hawaiʻi Island Clinics and Doctors, their families, and Staff will join the HISGN and FoodCorps Hawai’i to all participate in a Day of Service at the Mālaʻai Culinary Garden of Waimea Middle School and Kealakehe Middle School in Kona.
To volunteer for either site please pre-register with

Kū ʻĀina Pā Winter Session

Mālaʻai: The Culinary Garden of Waimea Middle School

Kū ʻĀina Pā is a yearlong garden teacher certification program. The second cohort of teachers is currently in session. The Kū ʻĀina Pā winter workshop will be held in the Hāmākua area of Hawaiʻi Island.
For more information, please contact

Hauʻoli Mau Loa Convening


Hau‘oli Mau Loa Foundation is a private grantmaking foundation established by Helga Glaesel-Hollenback who, in her words, “found great happiness in the islands of Hawai‘i” and sought “to return the generosity of the islands.” As such, the Foundation is grounded in Hawai‘i’s cultures and values. The Foundation holds an annual convening of partner grantees with two goals in mind: to provide a space where they could share and learn from one another, and to help them feel excited and renewed. This year's convening will be hosted by Mālaʻai, the Culinary Garden of Waimea Middle School in Waimea, Hawaiʻi Island.

‘Ai Pono Project: Making Traditional Cordage with Fiber Artist Gary Eoff

West Hawaii Civic Center 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

In the Spring of 2014, Hōkūle‘a and Hikianaliʻa will leave from Hilo on the Worldwide “Mālama Honua” Voyage 2013-2017. Connecting students to this voyage of discovery, can happen in many many different ways. For the next four years, the Hawaiʻi Island School Garden Network and our Voyaging Partners and Collaborators will work with teachers and in School Gardens on Hawaiʻi Island to grow food, dry and preserve food, experiment with recipes, learn some of the ancient fiber arts, and create food products that can be shared with the crews on some of the legs of the voyage. The next workshop will be on “The Art of Drying the Fruits of Hawaiʻi.” Stay tuned for date and time.

Seedy Saturday: Papaya Testing, Tasting and Talk Story

Pāhoa Neighborhood Community Center

Dr. Richard Manshardt from UH-CTAHR will discuss types of varieties, papaya genetics, cross pollination and gene flow, maintaining seed purity, seed sources, seed selection, and seed saving. Bring your own papaya leaf sample for testing. Free if you participate in a gene flow mapping study, otherwise testing is $3.00 per sample. Leaf samples should be gathered using a baggie. The leaf should be the size of a quarter and light green.