July 11, 2015—Join our Kohala Watershed Partnership (KWP) for a work day in the Koai‘a Tree Sanctuary! KWP continues its efforts to remove invasive fountain grass and replace it with native trees and shrubs. Our work will be very focused: get the grass OUT and the trees IN! Our goal is to create a tree sanctuary that is truly “native-dominated” from the canopy to the understory.
Meet at The Kohala Center office in Waimea (65-1291A Kawaihae Rd) at 8:30 a.m. We’ll drive up to the work site which is just a few miles mauka from Waimea. We will work in the Sanctuary in the morning, followed by lunch under Grandmother ʻŌhiʻa. In the afternoon, we will take a short drive uphill to explore the streams in the restoration area (and probably attack some more non-native weeds!). We will return to Waimea by 3:30 p.m.
Please wear long pants and boots or sturdy shoes. Be prepared for any weather—we work rain or shine. Bring a sack lunch and water bottle and we’ll provide the rest: tools, gloves, plants, snacks, ice water. Volunteers of all ages and experience are welcome, so bring neighbors, friends, and ʻohana!
Please RSVP by Thursday, July 9 by emailing coordinator@kohalawatershed.org.