January 15, 2018—Students, families, and community members are invited to participate in a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of service from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on January 15 at Waimea Middle School (WMS).
The group will meet at WMS’s new STEAM Learning Center with a hui of Waimea groups and friends from the school, Department of Education, The Kohala Center, FoodCorps, and Māla‘ai School Garden to introduce culturally based practices and protocols to strengthen the community’s sense of belonging, responsibility, excellence, aloha, total well-being, and Hawai‘i (breath, or HĀ).
Hawaii State Board of Education encourages schools and communities statewide to embrace HĀ to help make their towns an even better place for residents and families.
Participants are recommended to wear covered shoes and bring a water bottle, as well as rain gear or a coat for a variety of Waimea weather conditions. There will be something for all ages, strengths, and skill levels. After a morning of service, including native plant landscaping and other campus beautification and improvement projects, a fresh, locally sourced free lunch will be served by Waimea staff with FoodCorps and friends, with kōkua from WMS, local farmers and ranchers, and Māla‘ai School Garden.
RSVP is requested but not required. For more information, call Amy Kailimai at WMS at 887-7646 or email Amy_Kailimai@wmpccs.org.