The following list of readings is given in preparation for the Summer Intensive of the
Kū ‘Āina Pā cohort taking place on June 9-14, 2013, in Waimea. It is therefore organized according to the curriculum in the Summer Intensive.
Sunday and Monday, June 9-10
“Cultivating Our Sense of Place in the Living World”
1. What is Education For? Six myths about the foundations of modern education, and six new principles to replace them, David Orr
2. Place-Based Education: Connecting Classroom and Community, David Sobel
3. Framework for schooling for sustainability – Smart by Nature™ (Nature Is Our Teacher, Sustainability Is a Community Practice, The Real World Is the Optimal Learning Environment, Sustainable Living Is Rooted in a Deep Knowledge of Place), the Center For Ecoliteracy
4. Six Principles of Ecology, Fritjof Capra
5. Learning Gardens and Sustainability Education: Bringing Life to Schools and Schools to Life, Dilafruz Williams. This will be one of our main texts for the cohort. Please read Chapters 1, 2, and 4
6. You are brilliant and the earth is hiring, Paul Hawken (for context)
Recommended Reading
1. Developing A Sense of Place and an Environmental Ethic: A Transformative Role for Hawaiian/Indigenous Science in Teacher Education, by Pauline Chinn, UH Mānoa paper presented at a conference in 2005
2. GARDEN-BASED LEARNING: The rationale, the purpose, the function, Koh Ming Wei
Tuesday, June 11
“The Living Soil – Connections and Relationships”
1. Learning Gardens and Sustainability Education, Dilafruz Williams: Chapter 3
2. Gardening with Microbes: Putting Nature Back in Control
3. The Living Soil, Tad Hussey
4. The Soil Biology Primer – NRCS: Elaine R. Ingham, Oregon State University, The Soil Food Web Resources. Read the Soil Food Web Chapter. The other chapters are fantastic references.
Recommended Reading
1. Dirt! The movie discussion guide
Wednesday, June 12
“Cultivating Hawaiian Agricultural Knowledge”
1. Learning Gardens and Sustainability Education, Dilafruz Williams: Chapter 9
Recommended Reading
1. Hawai‘i Island Agricultural Zones, Circa A.D. 1823: An Ethnohistorical Study, T. Stell Newman. Follows the journal of William Ellis around the Island of Hawai‘i. Published by Duke University Press, 1971
2. Ethnobotany of the Hawaiians, Beatrice H. Krauss. This essay covers all the major uses of the Hawaiian Crops and Plants. University of Hawai‘i, Lyon Arboretum Lecture, 1974
Thursday, June 13
“Garden and Standards-Based Curriculum”
1. Pedagogy of Food – developing the interdisciplinary standards-based school garden curriculum, Koh Ming Wei. Skim read, pgs. 18 – 23 is the curriculum sample
2. The New Facts of Life, Fritjof Capra, Center for Ecoliteracy
3. Linking Gardens to School Curriculum, California School Garden Network – An Essay
Recommended Reading
1. Teaching to the Standards: California School Garden Network
Friday, June 14
“Next Steps…”
1. Teacher As Researcher Taking Action Research To Task, Beverly Johnson (from Teaching Today)