Teacher Resources
Huli ‘Āina Kumu Wai Field Science Curriculum for Middle and High School (PDF, 31 MB)
Best Practices for Conducting Field Science Research with Middle and High School Students
See pages 14–15 for a Hawai‘i Island resource list of field trip sites, activities, and speakers
K-12 Teacher Resources and Opportunities
Resources from the Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education
Climate Change in Hawaiʻi
What does “climate change” mean? What are the main climate features of Hawai‘i ? What is happening to the climate on our planet? What impacts of climate change are happening in Hawai‘i? How can Hawai‘i communities adapt to these impacts? The purpose of this booklet is to discuss these questions and more.
Climate change: How is it impacting Hawai‘i?
Presentation by Dr. Chip Fletcher from the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. On July 25, 2017, Dr. Fletcher discussed several aspects of climate change in an interactive session with middle and high school teachers and the Waimea community. Topics include extreme weather, sea-level rise, reef bleaching, ecosystem impacts, declining rainfall, El Niño, Hawai‘i’s weather system, and natural climate change.
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