Professional Development

School Garden Hui member organizations on each Island offer professional development opportunities for School Garden and Class Teachers in grades pre-K-8. There are also opportunities for teachers in grades 9-12 to attend workshops and trainings. Please consult the following links for professional development workshops, trainings, and conferences at this time.

The Hawai‘i Island School Garden Network offers:
• Professional development workshops during the year for school garden and
class teachers. Visit the HISGN Web site for more information.
• A year long Teacher Training Program, "Kū ‘Āina Pā: Teacher Training for School Learning Gardens." The 2013-2014 Cohort begins in June 2013. Visit the Web site for more information.

The statewide University of Hawai‘i Master Gardener Program is a public service program that provides training to volunteers under the leadership of land-grant universities. University of Hawaii Master Gardeners offer the public unbiased, research-based information and sustainable management practices in tropical horticulture suitable for home gardens, school gardens, local landscapes, urban environments and the community. Educators can check out our curriculum resources for school gardens.

The O‘ahu Farm to School Network posts professional education opportunities on the Hawaii Environmental Education Alliance Web site under Resource Type “Professional Learning Opportunities” and Environmental Focus “Gardening/Composting” or “Agriculture/Farming”.

Grow Hawai‘i offers workshops for school faculty and staff, students and community volunteers on various aspects of school garden development and use. Opportunities are featured on their Web site.

Other professional development network opportunities coming soon!