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O‘ahu Farm to School Network

Our Mission

The O‘ahu Farm to School Network creates connections to grow healthy children and communities through garden-based education and farm-fresh local food.
Visit the Web site.

OFSN’s History
From 2011-2012, the Hawai‘i Farm to School and School Garden Hui (HFSSGH) held regular meetings to better understand and support farm to school and school garden activities in Hawai‘i. Having observed the value of coordinated efforts in Hawai‘i, Maui, and Kaua‘i counties, the need to coalesce organizations on O‘ahu into an O‘ahu Farm to School Network was quickly recognized as a critical next step in advancing the statewide school garden movement.

In the spring of 2012, HAIS’ Grow Hawai‘i and the Kokua Hawai‘i Foundation organized a strategic retreat to design the OFSN with stakeholders from various organizations and representatives from private, public, and charter schools on O‘ahu. The core membership is comprised of the entities involved in developing the network, and is open to O‘ahu-based individuals and organizations with a focus on advancing farm to school opportunities. The network meets quarterly to discuss and collaborate on projects of mutual interest. During its inaugural year, the OFSN was coordinated by the Grow Hawai‘i program of the Hawai‘i Association of Independent Schools.

How can you become a part of the O‘ahu Farm to School and School Garden Community?
• Visit the OFSN Web site to connect to farm to school events and resources and sign up for our email list.
• Connect with the O‘ahu Farm to School community on Facebook to share garden news, tools and questions.
• Attend an OFSN quarterly meeting
• Join a community workday with our member organizations
Volunteer as a mentor for garden-based science fair projects

Hunter Heaivilin
E-mail: or

Students at St. Mark Lutheran School enjoy their harvest.