
Kalaheo Keiki Get Big Picture on Gardening
26 November 2012
by Colleen Carroll Ed.D., director, Kaua‘i School Garden Network

For the past four years, Kalaheo third grade teachers Monique Gannon, Clyde Hashimoto, Bridget McCoy, and AnnaLisa Riviera have made gardening fun for their combined 100 or so students, involving them in learning about local healthy food, soils, life cycles, diversity, and farming. They’ve planted crops together once again, gathering on a Saturday morning this fall for the school year’s first garden workday. In just two hours, the teachers and keiki, along with parents and grandparents, weeded, cleared rows, captured bugs for fun, and prepped for planting. Their efforts will yield food for a grade level, but how do you plan crops for a village? To learn more about the bigger picture of farming on Kaua‘i, the teachers arranged a field trip to Kekaha Community Garden.
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School Garden Network Flourishes
25 October 2012

by Colleen Carroll Ed.D., director, Kaua‘i School Garden Network

On-campus gardens are on the rise as schools make the connection between the healthy food they grow and a healthy lifestyle. From Hanalei to Kekaha, school teachers, parents and students are digging in and growing their outdoor learning environments, focusing on everything from social agriculture and Hawaiian culture to nature’s life cycles and a student favorite: harvesting and eating the plants they grow. St. Catherine’s Elementary School, for example, increased its garden from a few beds to over 1,000 sq. ft. of new garden space, thanks to the efforts of Sam Henriques, a 6th- through 8th-grade teacher there and a team of community volunteers.
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