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Hawaii School Garden Network

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The Hawaii Island School Garden Network (HISGN) began working with 20 schools in January, 2008. Our goal is to assist schools and teachers in public/private/charter K-12 to build garden programs that reconnect our children and young people with place-based, experiential, hands-on learning and to the land—the source of their health—foster eco-literacy, and increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables eaten daily. Good nutrition and physical activity help to create students that are ready to learn. We know that vibrant health and academic achievement go hand in hand. We believe that sustainability education is critical for 21st century learners. Today, through the hard work of Hawaii Island teachers, principals, and communities, there are over 60 schools that are building school garden programs and beginning to integrate place-based outdoor learning into their curriculum.

What do we do?
• Consultations for all schools in East and West Hawaii.
• Professional development for teachers. We offer a year-long Teacher Training for School Learning Gardens program, Ku ‘Aina Pa. We also offer monthly workshops in STEM education and other subjects of interest to teachers.
Eat-Think-Grow: A garden-based nutrition education program for teachers and parents.
Volunteer development through a series of hands-on workshops for interested community members.
• Funding opportunities are available through the HISGN Matching Grant Program. Our HISGN Web site also offers up-to-date funding opportunities for school gardens and sustainability education programs. We also offer yearly grant writing workshops.
• Connections to island resources, networking opportunities, the latest research and reports on school learning gardens, and current state-wide media and more are available on our Web site, Facebook, and Twitter.
• Sponsor a yearly statewide conference on school learning gardens.
• Assist teachers with curriculum resources and development.

Our Partners:
Malaai: The Culinary Garden of the Waimea Middle School: our school learning garden demonstration site.
• The University of Hawaii at Hilo Curriculum Education Professor Jan Ray.
• The Energy Lab at HPA and Sustainability Coordinator Koh Ming Wei.
• The many community funders who believe in our youth and their future.
• Schools, principals, and teachers of Hawaii Island.
• The Statewide Hawaii Farm to School and School Garden Hui.

How can you become a part of growing the Hawaii Island School Garden Community?
• Sign up to attend a volunteer workshop or become a regular volunteer at a school garden near you.
• Help provide video assistance to tape workshops and conferences.
• Become a Friend of the HISGN and donate your services to schools.
• Join a School Garden Committee or School Wellness Committee near you.
• Donate to the School Garden of your choice.
• Attend HISGN Events and follow our Facebook page.

Nancy Redfeather, HISGN Program Director
808-322-2801 or 808-887-6411

Donna Mitts, East Hawai’i Coordinator
808-936-2117 or 808-887-6411


“Our Garden has engaged our students, teachers, parents, and community in both STEM and project-based education that has resulted in stronger character, healthy living, and increased HSA scores. We have made AYP for two years in a row, the first two years we have had a garden program!"
Danny Garcia, Principal, Kohala Elementary

“HAAS believes in educating our youth on the relationship between healthy minds, bodies, and spirits and a healthy environment which is modeled by creating and sustaining gardens, fishponds, landscaping, orchards, and alternative energy sources”
Steve Hirakami, Principal, Hawai‘i Academy of Arts and Sciences

“We seek to systemically change the health and well-being of our students with a focus on our native Hawaiian students through hands-on organic agriculture and culinary classes (Seed to Table) that utilize only locally grown whole foods.”

Susie Osborne, Principal, Kua O Ka La – PCS

“KPS students work in the school garden at least twice a week. The work in the garden builds on what happens in the classroom. While out in the sunshine, students are applying what they have learned in science, math, reading, and social studies in a hands-on way, while also learning practical life skills, healthy nutrition, teamwork, perseverance and personal responsibility.”

Usha Kotner, Principal, Kona Pacific PCS

The Kohala Center

The Kohala Center is an independent, not-for-profit, community-based center for research, conservation, and education. Three core areas of work are energy self-reliance, food self-reliance, and ecosystem health. These areas of work involve basic and applied research, policy research, conservation and restoration initiatives, public outreach, and education carried on through local, regional, national, and international partnerships.