Island Group Discussion

Hawai‘i Island:
Establish a center for the organic seed industry, perhaps in Kohala
Let UH serve as a seed source, but allow farmers to add seeds
Encourage the Legislature to fund the UH system
Hold more seed exchanges in communities throughout the year
Involve more youth in seed saving
Form special crop groups to share resources
Create a Web site to serve as a communication pathway between islands
Provide mentorship for new seed growers
Encourage more communication among farmers
Utilize land which has been offered in Pahoa to conduct variety trials
Find funding to pursue this work
Establish a Web site for 1 to 1 seed trading and piggyback that on the County Web site
Organize workshops on home seed saving on a small scale

See how many small farmers are interested in seed saving
Focus on seed saving at Master Gardener program monthly workshops
Work with home gardeners to see who is already saving seeds
Focus on seed saving as one topic at the Food Sovereignty Conference
Work with Ray Uchida (County Extension Agent) to engage farmers

Begin organic cover crop seed industry
Find a niche in the national organic market and use this an economic incentive for growing seed
Work with County Extension Office to develop on farm trials and breeding program
Develop a seed growers collaborative
Try to get seed contracts from organic seed companies
Ask HC & S for 100 acres to establish demonstration plots, including areas for seed production Get representation as a state chapter of Farmers Union – need to recruit 1,200 members to do this

Make a list of who has seed on Moloka‘i

Create an online seed library database for each island, searchable by rainfall and other criteria
Collect information on existing resources and future needs
Simplify the selection of plants and focus on saving seed from these effectively
Encourage the free exchange of seed
Educate the community about seed saving and helping with record keeping
Find funding to expand the network of seed savers
Find ways to compensate farmers for advanced breeding work
Hold field days with chefs to show the community how to use foods that we grow