Closing Remarks

Nancy Redfeather, Coordinator, Hawai'i Island Seed Exchange, The Kohala Center

It is amazing to see everyone here. Each of you has a deep commitment to expand your knowledge, and a commitment to go out and practice this knowledge. The name of this conference, "Hua Ka Hua" came from a discussion with Kumu Keala Ching. The name means "the seed becomes the seed becomes the seed." Seed is the beginning and the end of agriculture. We, the people who attended this conference, are now the seed. Now, we will be seeding our communities with this knowledge.

Begin this work by dreaming about seed. I believe that dreams send molecules of manifestation into the real world. Anything we dream we can do. Dream of what you would like to see happen for the future of our food. Creating food sustainability is a movement that begins with you.

About 25 people will be staying for another day to plan for the futureā€”helping The Kohala Center to develop communication pathways and funding sources. All of our speakers and representatives from other islands will be there to help us brainstorm next steps.
I think about what David Orr said about the word "hope." Hope has its sleeves rolled up and is ready to work. Hope is an active process.